AHK Impuls
Um den Informationsaustausch unter den Mitgliedern zu stärken und sie über aktuelle Wirtschaftstrends auf dem Laufenden zu halten, organisiert die AHK Aserbaidschan regelmäßig den AHK Impuls.
Im Mittelpunkt jeder Veranstaltung steht ein aktuelles Wirtschaftsthema zu dem ein Impulsvortrag gehalten wird. Außerdem geben wir unseren neuen und alten Mitgliedern Gelegenheit ihr Unternehmen zu präsentieren. Abgerundet wird die Veranstaltung mit einem abendlichen Buffet für die Teilnehmer.
Themen der bisherigen Netzwerkveranstaltungen
17.10.2024: 2. AHK-Impuls-Veranstaltung zur COP29
Am 17. Oktober 2024 veranstaltete die Deutsch-Aserbaidschanische Handelskammer (AHK Aserbaidschan) die AHK Impuls-Veranstaltung zum Thema COP29, im Rahmen einer Reihe mit dem Titel „Innovate, Collaborate, Transform – Building a Sustainable Tomorrow“, um sich auf das bevorstehende COP29 in Aserbaidschan vorzubereiten. An der AHK Impuls nahmen mehr als 70 Vertreter von Mitgliedsunternehmen und Partnern der Kammer teil. Die Ehrengäste der Veranstaltung, Kamal Abbasov, stellvertretender Energieminister der Republik Aserbaidschan, und Sevinj Fataliyeva, Mitglied des Milli Majlis und Mitglied des COP29-Organisationskomitees, gaben exklusive Einblicke in die Entwicklungen in Aserbaidschans grünem Energiesektor und die bevorstehende COP29. Im Anschluss daran fand eine aufschlussreiche Podiumsdiskussion mit führenden Wirtschaftsvertretern statt.
Der stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende der AHK Aserbaidschan, Dr. Henning Sasse, begrüßte die Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung in seiner Eröffnungsrede und gab einen Überblick über die Agenda der Veranstaltung. Anschließend übergab er das Wort an Heiko Schwarz, stellvertretender Leiter der Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Aserbaidschan.
In seiner Begrüßungsrede hob Herr Schwarz die spannenden Möglichkeiten hervor, die sich für deutsche Unternehmen bieten, um das Potenzial Aserbaidschans zu erkunden. Er wies darauf hin, dass das Ziel darin bestehe, den Austausch von deutschem innovativem Fachwissen zu fördern und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen unseren beiden Ländern und der EU als Ganzes zu stärken. Er schloss mit den Worten: „Die COP29 könnte als Katalysator für die Beschleunigung der Entwicklung in der gesamten Region wirken. Lassen Sie uns diese Gelegenheit ergreifen, um gemeinsam Innovation und nachhaltiges Wachstum voranzutreiben! Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Aserbaidschan in Zukunft nicht nur als Öl- und Gasproduzent, sondern auch als führendes Land im Bereich der grünen Energie weltweit anerkannt sein wird.“
In seiner Rede gab Herr Abbasov wichtige Einblicke in die dynamischen Entwicklungen und Projekte im grünen Energiesektor Aserbaidschans und hob dessen Potenzial für nachhaltiges Wachstum und Innovation hervor. Er erklärte: „Als Ergebnis der Umsetzung strategischer Maßnahmen plant die Regierung, den Anteil erneuerbarer Energien an der Gesamtkapazität bis 2027 auf 33 % und an der Produktion auf 25 % zu erhöhen. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien an der installierten Kapazität zu erhöhen und die Stromerzeugung zu steigern, damit Aserbaidschan sein Ziel von 30 % für 2030 übertreffen kann. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, verfügt Aserbaidschan über ein erhebliches Potenzial an erneuerbaren Energiequellen“. Er wies auch darauf hin, dass Aserbaidschan mit führenden internationalen Unternehmen, darunter Masdar, ACWA Power und bp, an Projekten für erneuerbare Energien zusammenarbeitet. Diese Partnerschaften werden den Binnenkonsum erleichtern, zur Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft beitragen und die Exporte im nächsten Jahrzehnt steigern. Außerdem betonte er die Bedeutung der COP29 für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel und für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.
Wir erhielten eine eindrucksvolle Videobotschaft von Dr. Vera Rodenhoff, stellvertretende Leiterin der Abteilung Internationaler Klimaschutz und Internationale Energiewende im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Sie betonte die ehrgeizigen Ziele für die globale Energiewende und die dringende Notwendigkeit, die Energieeffizienz zu verbessern. Dr. Rodenhoff hob hervor, dass die COP29 eine entscheidende Gelegenheit für Regierungen und Unternehmen sei, grenzüberschreitend zusammenzuarbeiten und Fortschritte auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige und grüne Zukunft zu erzielen.
Frau Fataliyeva hob in ihrer Rede auf der COP29 die aserbaidschanischen Initiativen zur Förderung einer grünen Wirtschaft und nachhaltigen Entwicklung hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Highlights gehörte die Baku-Initiative für Klimafinanzierung, Investitionen und Handel (BICFIT), die kürzlich auf dem WTO Public Forum in der Schweiz vorgestellt wurde. Aserbaidschan unterstützt Programme zur Förderung des Umweltbewusstseins und hat mit der UNO Memoranden für methodische und technische Unterstützung unterzeichnet, um die Einhaltung internationaler Standards zu gewährleisten. Sie erläuterte auch die Hauptziele der COP29, wie die Einrichtung eines Fonds zur Finanzierung von Klimaschutzinitiativen, der Beiträge von Ländern, die fossile Brennstoffe produzieren, und von privaten Unternehmen erhalten soll. Darüber hinaus betonte Frau Fataliyeva die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit Aserbaidschans mit der Internationalen Parlamentarischen Union (IPU) im Rahmen der parlamentarischen Komponente der COP29. Im Anschluss an ihre Rede beantwortete Frau Fataliyeva ausführlich die Fragen der Teilnehmer und gab aufschlussreiche und detaillierte Antworten.
Die Veranstaltung setzte sich mit einer anregenden Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „ESG-Auswirkungen auf die nachhaltige Entwicklung: Energie, Verkehr und Bauwesen“ fort, moderiert von Ilkin Hajiyev, Geschäftsführer von Sustainera Solutions.
An der Diskussion nahmen angesehene Experten teil: Elmir Musayev, Generaldirektor von SOCAR Green LLC; Khalid Samaka, Vorstandsmitglied der aserbaidschanischen Zementproduzentenvereinigung (ACPA); Vugar Hajiyev, QHSE-Teamleiter bei PMD Projects LLC; Gurban Karimbayli, ESG-Berater und SDG-Projektmanager bei Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC; sowie Gunay Asgarova, Senior Managerin für erweiterte Prüfungsdienstleistungen bei PwC Aserbaidschan.
Die Panelisten informierten die Teilnehmer über die Nachhaltigkeits- und ESG-Strategien ihrer Unternehmen und hoben wichtige Aspekte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung hervor. Sie teilten Einblicke in verschiedene Projekte und Lösungen, um diese Strategien voranzutreiben und ihre Initiativen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu unterstützen.
Die Veranstaltung endete mit einer Frage-und-Antwort-Runde, lebhaften Diskussionen und einem anschließenden Geschäftsessen.
Wir danken der Yelo Bank OJSC für ihr großzügiges Sponsoring der Veranstaltung. Mehr
13.06.2024: AHK Impuls-Veranstaltung zur COP29
"Innovation, Kooperation, Wandel - Erwartungen an die COP29"
Am 13. Juni 2024 startete die AHK Aserbaidschan eine Veranstaltungsserie unter dem Motto "Innovation, Kooperation, Wandel - Erwartungen an die COP29" zur Vorbereitung auf die bevorstehende COP29 in Aserbaidschan. An der Kickoff-Veranstaltung, AHK Impuls zur COP29, nahmen rund 100 Vertreter von Mitgliedsunternehmen und Partnern der Kammer teil. Ehrengast der Veranstaltung war Nigar Arpadarai, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion für COP29 Aserbaidschan, die exklusive Einblicke in die bevorstehende COP29 gab. Im Anschluss daran fand eine aufschlussreiche Podiumsdiskussion mit bedeutenden Wirtschaftsvertretern statt.
Farid Guliyev, Vorstandsmitglied der AHK Aserbaidschan, begrüßte die Teilnehmer in seiner Eröffnungsrede und gab einen Überblick über die Tagesordnung der Veranstaltung. Dann übergab er das Wort an Dr Ralf Horlemann, Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Aserbaidschan. Mehr
28.02.2024: "Azerbaijan's electricity sector: brief overview and reforms"
Am 28. Februar organisierte die Deutsch-Aserbaidschanische Auslandhandelskammer (AHK Aserbaidschan) die nächste AHK-Impuls-Veranstaltung, an der Vertreter von mehr als 70 Mitgliedsunternehmen, Partner der AHK sowie Mitglieder der Delegation des Ost-Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft teilnahmen. Der Ehrengast der Veranstaltung, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Energieregulierungsbehörde der Republik Aserbaidschan Dr. Samir Akhundov, hielt einen Vortrag zum Thema "Azerbaijan's electricity sector: brief overview and reforms". An dem Treffen nahmen zudem der Vizepräsident der Uniper Global Commodities SE für die Gasversorgung der Länder der südlichen Region, Dr. Michael Hilmer, und der Chief Growth Officer der Schneider Group, Olaf Letzel, teil.
Der Geschäftsführer der AHK Aserbaidschan, Herr Tobias Baumann, begrüßte die Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung in seiner Eröffnungsrede und informierte über eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen und Treffen, die in letzter Zeit stattgefunden haben. Anschließend stellte er Dr. Samir Akhundov vor und sprach über seine facettenreiche Karriere und seine Beiträge zur AHK Aserbaidschan. Herr Baumann dankte auch der Schneider Group für ihre Unterstützung bei der Organisation der Veranstaltung und übergab das Wort an Dr. Michael Hilmer.
Dr. Hilmer erklärte, dass sie seit 10 Jahren sowohl im Öl- und Gas- als auch im Strommarkt tätig sind. Herr Hilmer sprach über die Veränderungen, die in den letzten Jahren stattgefunden haben und informierte die Teilnehmer über den Schwerpunkt auf erneuerbare Energien und das "Gesetz zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien bei der Stromerzeugung".
Anschließend sprach Herr Letzel über die Arbeitsschwerpunkte der Schneider-Group, wie Gesellschaftsrecht und Steuern, Interimsmanagement und Rechnungswesen. Zusätzlich betonte er, dass sie in den Bereichen Innenrevision, Personalwesen, Marktforschung und weiteren Feldern aktiv tätig sind. Am Ende seiner Rede begrüßte er es sehr, dass auch die Delegation des Ost-Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft an der heutigen Veranstaltung teilgenommen hat und bedankte sich bei allen Teilnehmern.
Daraufhin informierte Dr. Akhundov ausführlich über die Tätigkeiten der Agentur, bevor er mit seinem Vortrag zum Thema "Azerbaijan's electricity sector: a brief review and reforms" begann. Später sprach er über die Reformen im Elektrizitätssektor. Herr Akhundov erklärte, dass das 2023 verabschiedete Energiegesetz der Republik Aserbaidschan die allgemeinen rechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen und verwaltungstechnischen Grundlagen für die Aktivitäten im Energiebereich regelt. Dies umfasst auch die Gewährleistung der Energiesicherheit, die Schaffung eines gesunden Wettbewerbsumfelds, die Unterstützung einer nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und die Versorgung der Verbraucher mit zuverlässiger, qualitativ hochwertiger, zugänglicher und sicherer Energie, welche auch die Mechanismen ihrer Bereitstellung organisieren soll.
Die Veranstaltung endete mit einer Fragerunde, lebhaften Diskussionen und einem anschließenden Geschäftsessen.
Wir danken der Schneider Group für ihr großzügiges Sponsoring der Veranstaltung. Mehr
01.11.2023: AHK Impuls was held between the Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service and members of German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce
On 1 November 2023, German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organized the next AHK Impuls event for its member companies. The honorary guest speaker, Mr Mammad Aslan Abbasbeyli, Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, spoke on the topic of “Advancing Competition and Public Procurement: Regulatory Reforms”. Following this, Mr Ahmad Hasanov, Head of the Public Procurement Department at the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, conducted a workshop with business representatives.
The event was initiated with the opening speech of the Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr Tobias Baumann, who welcomed the member companies and introduced the speakers before handing over the floor to an honorary guest of the event, Mr Mammad Aslan Abbasbeyli.
In his speech, Mr Abbasbeyli welcomed the guests and highlighted the State Service's active role in government-private sector engagement. He emphasized their commitment to building a sustainable economy and fostering growth through the private sector. Mr. Abbasbeyli also stressed the importance of clear and open regulatory formats and explained their efforts in simplifying and interpreting complex regulations.
He discussed the four main regulatory mandates designed to benefit consumers and support businesses, including competition code, public procurement, quality, and consumer protection. Mr Abbasbeyli announced significant reforms in the competition legislation, updating outdated laws to reflect the current economic reality. He also introduced a government program to improve the competitive environment, emphasizing the collective responsibility of various government agencies.
Additionally, Mr Abbasbeyli mentioned efforts to educate the younger generation about competition economics to prepare them for future careers in the business world. Finally, he outlined key features of the new public procurement law, including expanded scope, digitalization, budget transparency, blacklisting of process-manipulating businesses, framework agreements, and a waiting period for potential complaints.
Then, Mr Tobias Baumann gave the floor to the honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr Ahmad Hasanov.
In his speech, Mr Ahmad Hasanov extended a warm welcome to the esteemed guests and delivered an insightful presentation on the implementation of the new public procurement law. During his address, he covered a range of topics, including the historical evolution of the law, the importance of compliance with legal provisions, and the various updates and enhancements made to the legislation to ensure its contemporary relevance.
After his speech, Mr Hasanov answered questions raised by the AHK Azerbaijan members and expressed his gratitude to the Chamber for the given opportunity to have direct dialogue with the representatives of relevant sectors. The event was concluded with a networking lunch. More
04.07.2023: Zollbestimmungen in Aserbaidschan: Aktuelle Trends und Verbesserung der öffentlich-privaten Zusammenarbeit
On 4 July 2023, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised the next AHK Impuls with the participation of over 70 representatives from members and partners of the Chamber. The honorary guest speaker Mr Shahin Baghirov, Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, spoke on the topic of “Customs Regulations in Azerbaijan: Current Trends and Enhancing Public-Private Cooperation”. Also at the meeting, Ms Sevinj Rahimova, the Founder and Director of SERA Holding LLC, gave information about the services and activities of Smart Finans LLC.
Opening the event, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, welcomed the member companies, greeted the representatives of the diplomatic missions, introduced the speakers and expressed his gratitude towards Smart Finans LLC for supporting the AHK Impuls event. He then passed the floor to Ms Sevinj Rahimova.
In her keynote address, Ms Sevinj Rahimova welcomed the guests and gave information about the activities and services of Smart Finans LLC, which is a part of SERA Holding. Ms Rahimova said the company provides finance, accounting, consulting and audit services. She also spoke about customs services, which are among the most exciting subjects for entrepreneurs, and emphasised the state's support for this area.
Then Mr Tobias Baumann gave the floor to the honorary guest speaker of the event Mr Shahin Baghirov.
In his speech, Mr Shahin Baghirov welcomed the event participants and said that the State Customs Committee is always open to such initiatives and emphasised the importance of these kinds of meetings contributing to business-customs partnership. First, Mr Bagirov gave extensive information about the strategic goals, missions and principles of the State Customs Committee.
Later, Mr Baghirov shared detailed information about each of the completed projects. Mr Baghirov also highly appreciated the cooperation of the companies in the completion of the electron account application, as well as he said that since May 10 of the current year, all entrepreneurs carrying out import-export operations have become users of the electronic account application and informed that the mobile data of the application is already available. Mr Baghirov also stressed the importance of requesting the electronic notification form from the customs offices.
Following this, Mr Baghirov said that the ongoing projects were carried out on the basis of regular discussions and gave extensive information about the risk management system project. Mr Baghirov also said that they will be able to check whether the products brought to the country of this project have been approved not only by the State Customs Committee but also by other institutions through the risk management system.
At the end of his speech, Mr Shahin Baghirov emphasised the importance of the principle of transparency and called on private sector representatives to cooperate with the customs authorities.
The event was followed by concluded with a question-and-answer session, lively discussions and a business networking dinner. Mehr
07.04.2023: Wiederaufbauarbeiten und Investitionsmöglichkeiten in den befreiten Gebieten der Wirtschaftsregion Karabach
On 7 April 2023, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised the next AHK Impuls event with the participation of more than 60 company representatives and partners of the Chamber. The honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr Emin Huseynov, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the liberated territories of the Karabakh Economic Region (except Shusha district), spoke on the topic "Reconstruction works and investment opportunities in the liberated territories of the Karabakh Economic Region". The event mainly revolved around the investment potential of the liberated territories, the efforts so far and the way ahead.
In his opening remarks, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Board Member of AHK Azerbaijan, welcomed the participants and expressed his gratitude to the Yelo Bank OJSC for supporting the event. He then passed the floor to Mr Emin Huseynov, the honorary guest speaker of the event.
Mr Huseynov gave information about the reconstruction works and development in Karabakh region: “The initial stage in Karabakh began with demining activities, and this process lasted for a year. Reconstruction works are currently underway in Karabakh, and vigorous activities continues, especially in transport and logistics, energy and water, and communication lines.”
Speaking about the business opportunities in Karabakh and the investment potential of the area, Special Representative of the President in the Karabakh Economic Region: "The potential investment opportunities in Karabakh mainly in agriculture, food industry, mining, tourism industry and the reconstruction of these areas is of high importance. Speaking about the restoration of the transport system and the construction works carried out in Karabakh in the last two years, he spoke about the transportational and logistical advantages of the newly built airports. Giving information about applying sustainable technologies and "Green Energy", Mr Emin Huseynov also touched upon the issue of creating a green zone in Karabakh. He stated that by the decision of President Ilham Aliyev, the processes to reduce potential CO2 emissions to zero by 2050 are being successfully implemented.
At the same time, Mr Huseynov emphasised German companies' contribution to Azerbaijan's economy. He noted that the successful continuation of these relations in the Karabakh region is also interesting for the economy of both countries.
In his speech, Mr Huseynov brought up the perspective of local investors and gave examples of opportunities for German investors and how to present incentives to potential investors.
The event was concluded with a question-and-answer session, lively discussions and a networking dinner afterwards. More
13.12.2022: Perspektiven für die Energiewende und Energiesicherheitspolitik in Aserbaidschan
On 13 December 2022, AHK Azerbaijan organised the next AHK Impuls with the participation of over 50 representatives from members and partners of AHK Azerbaijan. The event was dedicated to the prospects of energy transition in Azerbaijan and maintaining energy security. The honorary guest speaker was Mr Samir Valiyev, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Dr Michael Hilmer, Vice President at Uniper Global Commodities SE and Mr Vitaly Yakovlev, Managing Partner at KPMG Azerbaijan Limited further contributed their remarks on energy transition.
Opening the event, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, welcomed the member companies, greeted the representatives of the diplomatic missions, introduced the speakers and expressed his gratitude towards KPMG Azerbaijan Limited for supporting this AHK Impuls event.
In his keynote, Mr Samir Valiyev pointed out that Azerbaijan is currently on the third level of its energy strategy, which is focused on consolidating energy security for Azerbaijan and also its partners.
Speaking about the development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Germany, Mr Valiyev noted: “Azerbaijan is a key trade partner for Germany in the South Caucasus. Last year, the bilateral trade turnover increased by 57% and was close to 1.3 billion USD. During the last four years, Germany has been supplied with more than 5.7 million tonnes of Azerbaijani oil. From January to August this year, crude oil accounted for 96.6% of our exports to Germany.”
Mr Valiyev then turned to renewable energies and first highlighted Azerbaijan’s high potential and stressed the positive environment, in which private investments are replacing government investment, highlighting Azerbaijan as a reliable partner.
Following this keynote, Dr Hilmer gave insights into the energy transition in Germany. He proudly announced that this AHK Impuls is also the kick-off event for the newly established AHK Working Group on Energy Transition.
Mr Yakovlev brought in the perspective of local investors and gave examples of how to provide incentives to potential investors to support the energy transition.
These three perspectives were followed by a lively question and answer session and a networking dinner. More
06.07.2022: Arbeitsmarktpolitik und -praxis in Aserbaidschan
On 6 July 2022, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised the next AHK Impuls event for its member companies. The event was dedicated to employment policies and practices in Azerbaijan. The honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr Mustafa Abbasbeyli, Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan delivered a speech on "Role of Employment Policy in Ensuring Economic Development".
Opening the event, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Board Member of AHK Azerbaijan, welcomed the member companies and partners before introducing and handing over the floor to the honorary guest of the event, Mr Mustafa Abbasbeyli.
In his speech, Mr Abbasbeyli emphasised the ministry’s aim to attract and retain as many people as possible in the active labour market, i.e., the taxpayers, underlining how a disturbance in the transition between the active labour market contributors and social security beneficiaries would be detrimental to the economic state. He then stated how the Azerbaijani labour market legislation continued to be socially oriented but aimed at transitioning into a hybrid model, which would be a balance between the social state and liberal economy.
Mr Abbasbeyli then provided details on the relationship between economic and population growth, which in the case of developing nations such as Azerbaijan, is defined by stronger population growth than an economic one. This leads to issues such as not being able to provide sufficient job positions. Yet, it is also an advantage as population growth means more consumption and demand in the economy, increasing the GDP through production growth, thus, creating more employment.
Mr Abbasbeyli highlighted the significance of applying innovation, especially in economic sectors with high employment but low productivity, such as agriculture, as well as underlining the size of the informal economy in Azerbaijan, which is estimated to equal to the number of labour agreements.
Moreover, he expressed the importance of the digital economy and digital transformation. The ministry is one of the most innovative government bodies, with more than 100 services out of 130 being provided electronically. Finally, the Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency concluded his speech by emphasising the significance of SME development in increasing economic sustainability and diversification.
The event then continued with a Q&A session accompanied by a networking dinner. More
10.02.2022: Migrationsmanagement in Aserbaidschan: Bewältigung neuer Herausforderungen
On 10 February 2022, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce organised the next AHK Impuls event for its member companies. The honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr Vusal Huseynov, Chief of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, delivered a speech on "Migration Management in Azerbaijan: Addressing New Challenges". The event was held at the Hyatt Regency Baku Hotel in strict compliance with all requirements of a quarantine regime and recommendations for safety and health.
Opening the event, Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr Tobias Baumann welcomed the member companies and greeted the representatives of the diplomatic missions participating in the event before handing over the floor to the honorary guest of the event Mr Vusal Huseynov.
In his speech, Mr Huseynov provided detailed information on the main activities of the State Migration Service and the institutional reforms and regulations to improve the activities of the organisation. It was also announced that important steps have been taken to minimise the impact of the rules on the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most important challenges of the last two years, on the private sector and the lives of migrants in the country. He emphasised the importance of improving services provided to entrepreneurs, creating new e-services and various benefits applied to legalise the residence of migrants within the country.
Furthermore, Mr Huseynov noted that a second important challenge is a growing demand for foreign labour in the country in connection with the restoration and construction work begun on the liberated territories. He said the quotas were increased accordingly, taking into account the growing demand in this direction. "Although the quota for 2021 has been set at 6,740 people, however out of necessity, this number has been increased by 1,000 people and reached 7,740 people. This number is predicted to be 8740 people in 2022. This will help revitalize the business environment and ease the quarantine regulations."
Considerations about the social projects of the State Migration Service, the Service Chief mentioned that work is underway on a project to establish a Regional Training Center for Migration in Azerbaijan, jointly implemented by the International Organization for Migration and the State Migration Service.
Speaking about the social projects of the State Migration Service, Mr Huseynov mentioned that currently, the work is underway on a project to establish a Regional Training Center for Migration in Azerbaijan, jointly implemented by the International Organisation for Migration and the State Migration Service.
Concluding his speech, Mr Huseynov expressed his gratitude to the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce for the given opportunity to have a direct dialogue with the representatives of the private sector. The event was concluded with a networking dinner. More
16.11.2021: Antimonopoly Regulation and Competition in Azerbaijan: Vision for the Future
Deputy Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, Mammad Abbasbayli met AHK Azerbaijan members
On 16 November 2021, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised the next AHK Impuls event for its member companies. The event was held in the "Hyatt" hall of the "Hyatt Regency" Meeting and Conference Center in strict compliance with all requirements of a quarantine regime and recommendations for safety and health. The honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr. Mammad Abbasbayli, Deputy Head of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, delivered a speech on "Antimonopoly Regulation and Competition in Azerbaijan: Vision for the Future".
The event was initiated with the opening speech of the Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr. Tobias Baumann, who greeted the representatives of the diplomatic mission participating in the event before handing over the floor to an honorary guest of the event to Mr. Mammad Abbasbayli.
By referring to the annual AHK Business Climate Survey recently launched by AHK Azerbaijan, Mr. Abbasbayli noted that ensuring transparency in public procurement and improving tender criteria and procedures are one of the main requirements outlined by the foreign companies for a sustainable business and investment climate in Azerbaijan. He noted that the results of the survey are being analysed by the organisation and the feedback and suggestions of the companies will be considered in the reform agenda moving forward.
Then, Mr. Abbasbayli informed the participants about the activities of the State Service and the ongoing institutional reforms to improve the activities of the organisation. It was also noted that important steps have been taken recently towards sustainable economic growth through liberal and competitive economic policies. Speaking about the new directions identified for the promotion of competitive neutrality in the markets with direct state participation in order to further improve the business environment, Mr. Abbasbayli noted that a new improved draft of the Competition Code has been prepared taking into account both international experience and the conditions of economic growth of Azerbaijan. According to the Deputy Head, at present, the project is at the stage of coordination with the relevant structures.
The event also provided information on the strategic goals of the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control. It was noted that the protection of a fair and free competitive environment that ensures the efficient and unimpeded operation of market participants, enhancing competitiveness in the national economy and supporting sustainable development, digitalisation of services, creation of a consumer-centric ecosystem are identified as the main priority goals and strategic pillars for 2022-2026.
Concluding his speech, Mr. Abbasbayli expressed his gratitude to the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce for the given opportunity to have direct dialogue with the representatives of the private sector. The event was concluded with a networking dinner. Mehr
29.10.2021: Strengthening Public-Private Partnership in Customs Control and Clearance
On 29 October 2021, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised the next AHK Impuls event for its member companies. The honorary guest speaker of the event, Mr Safar Mehdiyev, Chairman of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, delivered a speech on the topic of "Strengthening Public-Private Partnership in Customs Control and Clearance". The event was held in the Hyatt Hall of the Hyatt Regency Baku Hotel in strict compliance with all requirements of the quarantine regime and recommendations for safety and health.
Opening the event, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Board Member of AHK Azerbaijan greeted the participants and briefly introduced the agenda of the event.
Following this, the honorary speaker of the event, Mr Mehdiyev gave detailed information to the participants of the event on the activities of the State Customs Committee and the work carried out by the Committee to increase transparency, to combat the shadow economy and smuggling and to strengthen the human potential against the changing global economic landscape. He especially mentioned the activities of the Committee to significantly reduce the scope of the physical inspections and increase their efficiency as a result of the public-private partnership. Additionally, Mr Mehdiyev spoke about the recent fiscal reforms implemented in Azerbaijan, including e-services provided by the Committee and priority goals set to improve this area.
Talking about the implementation of modern and facilitated procedures and its adaptation into the legislation, he informed the participants of the work by the Committee to improve the “Green Corridor” system and develop the customs services and stressed the importance of applying the principle of voluntary participation when paying the customs duties. Mr Mehdiyev noted that 750 companies had already joined the “Green Corridor” system and they constitute 30% of total exports and 41% of total imports.
Touching upon the utmost importance they attach to the international cooperation and foreign direct investments, Mr Mehdiyev said that new Customs Code had been drafted to ensure a competitive economy, moreover new trends in the global trade was reflected in the Azerbaijani customs reforms. He emphasised that the digitalisation of the services would provide the population with easy and convenient access to these services and increase the opportunities to optimise the current system.
After his speech, Mr Mehdiyev answered questions raised by the AHK Azerbaijan members and expressed his gratitude to the Chamber for the given opportunity to have direct dialogue with the representatives of the private sector. The event was concluded with a networking lunch. Mehr
01.07.2021: Ein neuer Ansatz für den Sozialschutz in Aserbaidschan
On July 1, 2021, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (“AHK Azerbaijan”) organised an AHK Impuls event for the member companies with the support of “Ameco” LLC and “Sahhat” clinic. The honorary guest of the event was Mr. Himalay Mamishov, Chairman of the Board of the State Social Protection Fund, who delivered a speech on "A new approach to social protection in Azerbaijan." The event was held in the "Guba" hall of the "Hyatt Regency" Meeting and Conference Center in strict compliance with all requirements of a special quarantine regime and recommendations for safety and health.
The welcoming speech of the Executive Director of the AHK Azerbaijan, Tobias Baumann, was followed by the presentation of Dr Sabina Gafarova, Application Specialist at Ameco LLC. During her speech, Dr Gafarova introduced a new express COVID-19 antibody tests and stressed the importance of making tests accessible to everyone as an effective way to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Then, Mr. Mamishov, the honorary guest of the event, informed the participants about the activities of the State Social Protection Fund and the measures carried out to strengthen the social insurance system in the country. In particular, he spoke about the work done by the Fund to ensure the transparency and increase the efficiency of social protection and pension systems. Moreover, Mr. Mamishov highlighted the recent reforms in the field of social security in Azerbaijan, including large-scale e-services provided and the priorities identified towards developing this area.
Mr. Mamishov particularly emphasised the importance of the e-social portal for both the social insurance system and citizens. He noted that the digitalisation of services has further enhanced the ability to optimise the built-in system to ensure that people can easily and conveniently use these services. In addition, the prompt response to citizens' questions on social media has created a great basis for improving the quality of services provided.
Concluding his speech, Mr Mamishov expressed his gratitude to the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce for the given opportunity to have the direct dialogue with the representatives of the private sector. Following the Q&A session on the enquiries of the AHK Azerbaijan members, the event was concluded with networking dinner. More
08.04.2021: Entwicklungstendenzen der Transport- und Logistikbranche in Aserbaidschan
Am 8. April 2021 organisierte die AHK Aserbaidschan den nächsten AHK Impuls für die AHK-Mitgliedsunternehmen. Der Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung lag auf den Entwicklungstendenzen der Transport- und Logistikbranche in Aserbaidschan und der Ehrengast der Veranstaltung war der Generaldirektor des Hafens von Baku, Dr. Taleh Ziyadov.
Nach der Eröffnung durch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden der AHK Aserbaifschan, Herrn Farid Isayev hielt Dr. Taleh Ziyadov eine Rede zum Thema "Hafen von Baku als aufstrebender Logistik-Hub: Förderung des internationalen Handels".
Dr. Ziyadov informierte die Unternehmen über das Memorandum of Understanding, das zwischen dem Hafen Baku und dem APEC Port Training Center des Hafens Antwerpen unterzeichnet wurde, sowie über das bevorstehende Training, das sich an Spezialisten im Bereich Transport, Handel und Logistik richtet. Außerdem sprach er über die neuen Möglichkeiten in den Kommunikationslinien des Landes, die nach der Wiederherstellung der territorialen Integrität Aserbaidschans entstanden sind, über die Entwicklungsstrategie des Hafens für die nächsten zwei Jahre, über die Vereinbarungen, die mit führenden Logistikknotenpunkten und Transportunternehmen in Asien und Europa getroffen wurden, sowie über Innovationen im Transportsektor der Region.
Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung fand eine Fragerunde zu den Anfragen der Mitgliedsunternehmen unter der Moderation von Frau Nigar Bayramli, stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin der AHK Aserbaidschan, statt. Mehr