
Zweimal im Jahr findet unsere Mitgliederversammlung statt, zu der wir alle AHK-Mitglieder herzlich einladen.

Auf der Versammlung wird über die Aktivitäten der AHK in den vergangenen Monaten berichtet, Haushaltsfragen werden besprochen und der Jahresbericht genehmigt. Des Weiteren dient die Versammlung der Vorstellung und Bestätigung unserer neuen Mitglieder und der anschließenden Überreichung der Mitgliedszertifikate. Die Wahl und Entlastung des Vorstands sowie die Abstimmung über Satzungsänderungen sind weitere Programmpunkte der Versammlung.

Bisherige Mitgliederversammlungen

21.05.2024: AHK-Mitgliederversammlung

Am 21. Mai 2024 organisierte die Deutsch-Aserbaidschanische Handelskammer (AHK Aserbaidschan) eine AHK-Mitgliederversammlung, an der über 80 Wirtschaftsvertreter teilnahmen. Die AHK-Mitgliederversammlung ist eine zweimal im Jahr stattfindende Veranstaltung, bei der alle AHK-Mitglieder zusammenkommen, um die Aktivitäten und Erfolge der AHK Aserbaidschan im vergangenen Jahr zu diskutieren.

Die Veranstaltung wurde mit einer Begrüßungsrede von Herrn Anar Hasanov, dem Vorsitzenden des AHK Aserbaidschan-Vorstands, eröffnet. Er stellte den Teilnehmern kurz das Programm der Sitzung vor. Der Vorsitzende würdigte die harte Arbeit der Kammer und ihrer Mitarbeiter und stellte fest, dass die aktive Beteiligung der Kammermitglieder und der Anstieg der Mitgliederzahlen eine erfreuliche Situation sind.

Der Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Aserbaidschan, Dr Ralf Horlemann, wies darauf hin, dass die letzten 15 Monate für die Botschaft sehr ereignisreich und intensiv gewesen seien, mit einer Reihe von bedeutenden Veranstaltungen, die von der Botschaft durchgeführt wurden. Er brachte seinen Stolz darüber zum Ausdruck, dass Aserbaidschan Gastgeber der COP29 sein wird und dass der aserbaidschanische Präsident Ilham Alijew innerhalb kurzer Zeit vier Geschäftsbesuche in Deutschland absolviert hat, was zur Stärkung der Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Aserbaidschan beiträgt. Er erwähnte, dass die COP29 auch eine verstärkte Aktivität Deutschlands im aserbaidschanischen Wirtschaftssektor fördern könnte. Der Botschafter sprach über die Rekordzahl von Visa, die Aserbaidschaner im vergangenen Jahr aus Deutschland erhalten haben, was die starke Orientierung Aserbaidschans an Deutschland zeigt, und erklärte, dass ein Anstieg dieser Zahlen in den kommenden Jahren die Entwicklung der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern erheblich fördern könnte.

Herr Anar Hasanov, Vorsitzender des AHK Aserbaidschan-Vorstands, informierte über die geschäftlichen, Online- und gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen, die die AHK in den vergangenen Monaten organisiert hat. Anschließend gab er die Ernennung von Herrn Rashad Huseynli zum stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der Arbeitsgruppe Energiewende bekannt. Hasanov bedankte sich auch bei den Arbeitsgruppen der AHK Aserbaidschan für die von ihnen organisierten Veranstaltungen und ihre harte Arbeit in den letzten Monaten. Er lobte die aktive Arbeit der Arbeitsgruppe Humanressourcen und Berufsbildung und informierte die Gäste der Veranstaltung über die neu herausgegebenen "AHK Human Resources Insights"-Zeitschriften. Herr Hasanov informierte auch über die von der AHK Aserbaidschan organisierte Geschäftsreise des Ost-Ausschusses der Deutschen Wirtschaft nach Baku, die für den 27. und 28. Februar 2024 geplant ist. Die Reise beinhaltet Treffen mit Präsident Ilham Aliyev und Wirtschaftsminister Mikayil Jabbarov.

“Seit der letzten Mitgliederversammlung sind 15 neue Unternehmen Mitglied der AHK Aserbaidschan geworden, so dass wir jetzt 181 Mitglieder aus Deutschland und Aserbaidschan zählen, die verschiedene Wirtschaftszweige vertreten. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass die Qualitätsarbeit und das Engagement unserer Kammer neue Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen anzieht.”

Nachdem das Quorum der Mitgliederversammlung erreicht war, wurden die neuen Mitglieder der AHK Aserbaidschan dem Auditorium vorgestellt und als Mitglieder der Kammer aufgenommen. Die Veranstaltung endete mit einem Geschäftsessen. Mehr

29.11.2023: AHK-Mitgliederversammlung

The Annual AHK Azerbaijan Members’ Assembly was held with the participation of around 100 business representatives

On 29 November 2023, German-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised its Annual AHK Members’ Assembly with the participation of around 100 business representatives. The AHK Members' Assembly is an event organised twice a year, gathering all AHK Members together to discuss the activities and achievements of AHK Azerbaijan over the past half year. Mr Florian Sengstschmid, CEO of the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, and Mr Elgun Javadov, Head of the Cultural Heritage and Regional Tourism Department at State Tourism Agency, also participated in the event as guest speakers.

Opening the event with a welcoming speech, Mr Anar Hasanov, Chairman of the AHK Azerbaijan Board, briefly presented the programme of the meeting to the participants. Informing about the growing number of members in the last six months, Mr. Chairman emphasized that this is the result of the hard work of the Chamber's employees. He particularly emphasized the successful implementation of the impulse events, the appointment of new staff members of the AHK Working Groups, the visit of German delegations to Azerbaijan and the successful completion of many physical events.

Mr Heiko Schwarz, Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Azerbaijan, welcomed the members of the AHK and informed the participants of the event about the importance of the Embassy's services between the two countries.

Mr Florian Sengstschmid, CEO of the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, who participated in the event as a guest speaker, spoke about the development of tourism in the country since 2019 and the increasing pace of foreign tourists coming to the country. He also emphasized that in the near future, tourist destinations will be put into use in the Karabakh region and said that the newly created Tourism Board is working hard.

The next guest speaker, Mr Elgun Javadov, Head of the Cultural Heritage and Regional Tourism Department at State Tourism Agency, brought to the attention of the listeners the state plan prepared for the development and action plan of tourism in Karabakh. In his speech, Mr Javadov talked about the first step taken to introduce the region, the appropriation of the region, the clarification of historical monuments, and the visits to the Karabakh region with the joint participation of foreign experts. At the end of his speech, Mr Elgun Javadov mentioned the beginning of activities related to the international promotion of the region and the exhibition of brochures and information materials at various international exhibitions.

Then, the Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr Tobias Baumann, presented to the guests a brief report on the activity and financial indicators of AHK Azerbaijan, including the achievements of the past year and the projects planned for the next years.

"In 2023, 18 new companies joined AHK Azerbaijan within six months from the last Members' Assembly, and currently, 185 companies from Germany and Azerbaijan representing various sectors of the economy are members of our Chamber."

After the determination of the quorum for the decision-making of the Members’ Assembly, the representatives of the member companies presented the new members of the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce to the guests.

Then Emil Imamov, CJ ICM 's country manager, spoke about the company's 20th anniversary.

In conclusion, with the presentation of the Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr. Tobias Baumann, and the Chairman of the Board, Anar Hasanov, a certification ceremony for new members took place.

The event ended with a business dinner accompanied by live music performed by the Suleymanbeyli Group. Mehr

17.05.2023: Mitgliederversammlung der AHK Aserbaidschan

On 17 May, 2023, the German-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised its Annual AHK Members’ Assembly with the participation of around 90 business representatives. The AHK Members' Assembly is an event organised twice a year, gathering all AHK Members together to discuss the activities and achievements of AHK Azerbaijan over the past half year.

Opening the event with a welcoming speech, Mr Anar Hasanov, Chairman of the AHK Azerbaijan Board, briefly presented the programme of the meeting to the participants. Expressing his appreciation for the hard work of the Chamber and its employees, the Chairman emphasised the increase in the number of executive member companies, the successful implementation AHK Impuls events, the appointment of new Chairs of the AHK Azerbaijan Working Groups, the visit of delegations from Germany to Azerbaijan, and the successful completion of many physical events.

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Azerbaijan Dr Ralf Horlemann welcomed the members of AHK Azerbaijan and shared the News from the Embassy. Speaking about diplomatic relations between Germany and Azerbaijan, Dr Horlemann noted that Mr. President Ilham Aliyev's recent visit to Germany was a result of friendly relations between the two countries. Mr Ambassador also talked about the effects of newly opened German companies in Azerbaijan on the economy between the two countries, and the development of cooperation between the two countries in the political, security, and cultural fields. Concluding his speech, he thanked the Chamber for the continuous successful cooperation.

Then the Executive Board Member of AHK Azerbaijan, Mr Tobias Baumann, presented to the guests a brief report on the activity and financial indicators of AHK Azerbaijan, including the achievements of the past year and the projects planned for the next years.

"Since the last Members' Assembly last year in November, 14 new companies have joined AHK Azerbaijan, and currently 167 companies from Germany and Azerbaijan representing various sectors of the economy are members of our Chamber. It is heartening that despite all the difficulties, the quality of services and commitment of our Chamber is able to attract new companies from various sectors of the industry."

After the determination of the quorum for the decision-making of the AHK Azerbaijan Members’ Assembly of the members, the treasurers for 2023 were approved by the general concurrence of the representatives of the member companies. Below you can get acquainted with the treasury internal auditors appointed by AHK Azerbaijan for 2023:

Turkan Hajiyeva - Manager of the Corporate and Finance Department of BHM Legal Firm LLC

Sevinj Rahimova - Founder of SERA Holding LLC

Ilgar Aliyev - Head of Industrial Solutions LLC

The event ended with a business dinner accompanied by live music performed by the Suleymanbeyli Group. More

16.11.2022: Mitgliederversammlung mit Vorstandswahlen

On 16 November 2022, AHK Azerbaijan organised the AHK Members’ Assembly, with the participation of around 90 business representatives. The AHK Members` Assembly is an event organised twice a year, gathering all AHK Members together to discuss the activities and achievements of AHK Azerbaijan over the past half year. During the meeting, the elections for the new Board of AHK Azerbaijan were held.

The meeting was opened by Mr Farid Isayev, Chairman of the Board, who delivered a welcoming speech and shortly introduced the agenda of the event. Commending the hard work of the Chamber, the Chairman emphasised an increasing membership, achievements in strengthening AHK Working Groups and organising physical delegation trips.

Welcoming AHK members, H. E. Dr Ralf Horlemann, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan, shared the news from the Embassy and emphasised the importance of economic relations between Azerbaijan and Germany.

“Azerbaijan is the key economic partner for Germany in the region. I see huge opportunities for German companies and investors in several sectors, mainly in reconstructing the Karabakh economic region.”

Following this, Mr Tobias Baumann, Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, presented a brief report of the activities of AHK Azerbaijan, including last year’s achievements and plans for the next period.

“During the last half year, from the last Assembly, 12 new companies have become members of AHK Azerbaijan. Now, we count 175 members from Germany and Azerbaijan representing various sectors of the economy. We are proud of the fact that quality work and commitment of our Chamber attract new companies from various industries.”

After determining the quorum of the Assembly and announcing the Election Commission, all candidates for the Board delivered their presentations. Below is the new Board of AHK Azerbaijan elected by the AHK Members.

  • Mr Farid Guliyev - Director of the Corporate Banking Department at the PASHA Bank OJSC
  • Mr Anar Hasanov - Chairman of the Management Board at the Yelo Bank OJSC
  • Mr Aliyar Hashimli - Business Development Manager at Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
  • Dr Michael Hilmer - Vice President of Gas supply for the Southern Region at Uniper Global Commodities SE
  • Mr Emin Ilyas - Founder and Director of the Bioropean LLC
  • Dr Henning Sasse - CEO of the Norm OJSC
  • Mr Tobias Baumann - Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan

The term of the Board lasts for three years.

The meeting was concluded with officially approving and introducing the new members of AHK Azerbaijan followed by a business reception accompanied by live music by Suleymanbeyli Group.

We congratulate the newly elected Board and are looking forward to working together for the next three years! More

07.12.2021: Mitgliederversammlung der AHK Aserbaidschan

On 07 December 2021, the German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce (AHK Azerbaijan) organised AHK Members’ Assembly, with the participation of around 100 business representatives. AHK Members` Assembly is an event organised twice a year gathering all AHK Members together to discuss the activities and achievements of AHK Azerbaijan over the past year. The event was held in strict compliance with all requirements of the quarantine regime and recommendations for safety and health. 

The meeting was opened by Mr. Farid Isayev, Chairman of AHK Board of Directors, who delivered a welcoming speech and shortly introduced the agenda of the event. Commending the hard work of the Chamber and the staff, the Chairman emphasised an increasing membership, achievements in strengthening AHK Working Groups and organising physical delegation trips and events despite the pandemic-induced challenges. Welcoming AHK members, Dr. Wolfgang Manig, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan, shared the news from the Embassy and thanked the Chamber for the continued successful cooperation. Following this, Mr. Tobias Baumann, Executive Director of AHK Azerbaijan, presented a brief report of the activities and financials of AHK Azerbaijan, including last year’s achievements and plans for the next period. 

“During the last year, from the last Assembly, 23 new companies have become the members of AHK Azerbaijan, and now we count 160 members from Germany and Azerbaijan representing various sectors of the economy. We are proud of the fact that quality work and commitment of our Chamber attract new companies from various industries, especially given the difficult circumstances.”
The special guest of the Assembly this year was, Mrs. Vladanka Andreeva, a newly appointed UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan. She briefed the guests on UN Common Agenda of action in Azerbaijan for the next five years. Mrs. Vladanka shed a light on some strategic goals set by the United Nations to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation. Moreover, she spoke about the strategic actions to support the government's efforts to build a greener economy and strengthen the capacity of institutions in the areas of healthcare, social protection, education, and justice. She also emphasized the importance of the enhanced cooperation between the UN and the private sector to ensure progress in the priority areas identified in the UN Framework of the SDGs.
After the reach of the quorum of the Members’ Assembly, the new members of AHK Azerbaijan were introduced to the auditorium and approved as members of the Chamber. 

The event was followed by a business reception accompanied by live music by Suleymanbeyli Group.  More

26.05.2021: Mitgliederversammlung der AHK Aserbaidschan

Am 26. Mai 2021 organisierte die Deutsch-Aserbaidschanische Auslandshandelskammer (AHK Aserbaidschan) die AHK-Mitgliederversammlung im Hyatt Regency Meeting & Conference Center im Hybridformat.

Nach der Eröffnungsrede von Herrn Farid İsayev, Vorstandsvorsitzenden der AHK Aserbaidschan, stellte Herr Tobias Baumann, Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied der AHK Aserbaidschan die Tagesordnung der Mitgliederversamlung vor. Anschließend stellte er einen kurzen Bericht über die Aktivitäten der AHK Aserbaidschan im vergangenen Jahr vor. Ehrengäste der Mitgliederversammlung waren Frau Andrea Sühl, die Ständige Vertreterin der Deutschen Botschaft in Aserbaidschan, und Herr Fariz Jafarov, der Direktor des E-Gov-Entwicklungszentrums in Aserbaidschan. Frau Sühl informierte die Gäste über Neuigkeiten aus der deutschen Botschaft. Herr Jafarov hielt einen Vortrag zum Thema „Öffentliche Dienste im digitalen Zeitalter“.

In der Sitzung wurden der Jahresbericht der Kammer für das Jahr 2020 und der Jahresbericht der Kassenprüfer für das Jahr 2020 genehmigt, sowie die Neuwahl der Kassenprüfer für das Jahr 2021 abgehalten. Die Veranstaltung wurde mit der Vorstellung der neuen Mitglieder der AHK Aserbaidschan fortgesetzt. Die neuen Mitglieder der AHK Aserbaidschan wurden einstimmig von der Mitgliederversammlung bestätigt.

Am Ende der Veranstaltung bedankte sich Herr Farid Isayev, Vorstandsvorsitzende der AHK Aserbaidschan bei den Gastrednern und den Mitgliedsunternehmen für die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung. Mehr