AHK Annual Partnership

A partnership with the AHK Azerbaijan provides you with many exclusive benefits and services enhancing the perception and strengthening the market presence of your company throughout the entire year by using the extensive German and Azerbaijani business network.

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Explore new opportunities by partnering with the AHK Azerbaijan

Reach the top B2B decision-makers with us, benefit from our AHK network for your business initiation and use the traditional AHK events as an exclusive communication platform for intensive networking. Around 4,000 participants attend the forums, conferences, social events organised by AHK Azerbaijan each year.

Benefits of being the AHK Azerbaijan Partner:

  • Gaining access to exclusive information on political framework conditions, current matters and industry-specific information;
  • Access to business-relevant contacts, potential business partners at CEO level and decision-makers from politics and business;
  • Access to experts for your market entry or expansion of your business relationships in Azerbaijan in the networking events.

All partner packages include:

  • Invitations to AHK Azerbaijan networking events;
  • Exclusive rights to use the AHK logo as a partner for your external communication;
  • Special tariffs for AHK Azerbaijan business services;
  • Your web banner on the AHK Azerbaijan Website (with a hyperlink to your website).

AHK Annual Partnership 2024

AHK Partnership Services




AHK Azerbaijan Membership  
Rights to use the AHK logo as a partner for your external communications

Your visibility at AHK events



Your company acknowledgement through invitation e-mails sent to over 6,000 businessmen and high-level representatives of local and international business communities    
Your company acknowledgement as a partner on the AHK Azerbaijan Website and social media pages (LinkedIn & Facebook)
Your company acknowledgement in welcome speeches at AHK events
Free entrance tickets and VIP seats to the selected event

6 VIP tickets or seats

4 VIP tickets or seats 2 VIP tickets or seats
Your company representative as a speaker in a panel discussion    
Your company presentation at one AHK Impuls meeting    
Your company promotional stand in a foyer area  
Your company roll-up in a foyer area (80x200cm)  
List of participants at AHK business events    
Your logo on the tickets of a social event  
Your logo on the agendas of a business event    
Your logo on the event screens
Your logo on the event banner/roll-up provided by the AHK
Your visibility materials distributed at AHK events  

Your brand visibility at the AHK Azerbaijan Website

“Leaderboard” web banner with a hyperlink for 3 months    
“Skyscraper” web banner with a hyperlink for 3 months    
“Rectangle” web banner for 3 months    
Your logo on the “Annual Partnership” sub-page with a hyperlink to your website
Your logo on the “Events” sub-page with a hyperlink to your website
Your web banner in the AHK Azerbaijan digital Newsletter once a month once a month once

* Please refer to the responsible person for prices!